Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Sebi makes fresh bid to find Sahara Investors

Sebi had received 4,900 refund claims during the August-September exercise from the bondholders of two Sahara companies --Sahara India Real Estate Corp Ltd (SIRECL) and
Sahara HousingInvestment Corp Ltd (SHICL), which had raised over Rs 24,000crore from about three crore investors.

While Sahara maintains it has already repaid more than 93per cent of the outstanding dues directly to the concerned bondholders and the remaining amount was just about Rs 2,500 crore, it deposited Rs 5,120 crore to Sebi in December 2012towards the investor refunds as per Supreme Court orders. Further money has been deposited by the group with Sebi subsequently and it is currently in the process of raisingmore funds to ensure release of its chief Subrata Roy from the jail.

Sebi began the refund process in May 2013, while asking eligible investors to submit their claims. However, the refunds made so far remain minuscule, although the regulator
has not so far made public the quantum of all such payments. Sahara has been maintaining that Sebi should verify the refunds made by it directly and claims to have submitted to
the regulator proof for nearly 75 per cent of refunds. It also says that the remaining 25 per cent refund proof is lying in its Mumbai godown to be given to Sebi.

Sahara also contends that bulk of its investors didn't have bank accounts and other formal financial papers, the details of which have been sought by Sebi. On the identification on Sahara's investors, Sebi has contested in the court that addresses of many investors given
by Saharas were incomplete as only village name, district and state is given without any house number or street/lane names.

On its part, Sahara has maintained that most investors are from rural India and had no house numbers or street names. In the new refund application form, Sebi had given a new
address format for rural investors, asking only village name, post office, district and state as against additional details like house number and street name for urban addresses.

In its latest annual report for the year ended March 31, 2014, Sebi had disclosed having received 3,612 refund applications involving 13,948 deposit accounts till that time in the Sahara matter.
Of those applications, Sebi made refunds in case of 445 applications involving an equal number of deposit accounts for an aggregate amount of about Rs 1.25 crore including interest
of about Rs 43.83 lakh. The other applications had deficiencies or fell under either 'mismatch' or 'multiple investment' category. "Out of the remaining 3,167 applications, in respect of
424 applications involving 1,683 deposit accounts, certain deficiencies were observed in the applications/supporting documents submitted by the applicants which were brought to
the notices of the applicants for their clarification/rectification, and replies are awaited from
them," Sebi said. Sebi also could not process 1,260 applications involving 7,159 deposit accounts as these were in multiple investment category, while 92 cases involving 92 accounts did not meet

the extant refund methodology adopted by the regulator. Besides, 1,776 applications involving 4,395 accounts could not be processed because of being 'mismatch category'.

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